Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Landing The Role

"Any time you audition and get it, you earned it."

-- Michael Ealy

Lego Shakespeare and Lego actor at an audition 4-8-14

"I don't think actors should ever expect to get a role,
because the disappointment is too great.
You've got to think of things as an opportunity.
An audition's an opportunity to have an audience."

-- Al Pacino

"He picked me, mommy! I'm the new swan queen!"

-- "Nina," Black Swan

So I finally heard back about that audition I went on a couple of weeks ago.

And I got it!

I will be playing the role of "Mrs. Coffman" in William Inge's Come Back, Little Sheba as part of the Oberlin Summer Theater Festival's 2014 season this July and August. 

It's a supporting role. Not huge. Exactly right-sized for my first foray back to the stage after a year-plus-long layoff. 

It's good to be back.