Friday, October 10, 2014

My Home Gym

"So stop making excuses about
not being able to get the body you want
because you are not able to get to the gym."

-- Alex Stewart, 
"Building The Perfect Body At Home," 

The Blue Bomber working out at home 10-10-14

"I like training alone. 
This allows me to do so without 
having to share equipment and putting up with 
anyone at the gym that thinks they know it all, but they don't."

-- "Working Out At Home,"

With the weather turning colder and harsher, bicycling outdoors is getting less inviting. Soon the cold will drive me indoors until Spring.

So it's a good thing I have my own gym right here in my own home.

It's set up in the basement, and is a combination of my own equipment and stuff that we originally got for my son Leo when he was first getting serious about football and lifting -- before he got way too tall for the ceiling and way too strong for the limited weights we have. 

But it's perfectly suitable for li'l old me. 

My home gym includes:

  • A treadmill.
  • An exercise bike.
  • A cross-country ski machine.
  • An indoor trainer for my road bike.
  • Yoga mats.
  • A fitness ball.
  • A step thing.
  • One of those convertible total body gym sets with the stacked weights and cables.
  • Dumbbells.
  • A chin-up bar that hooks over the door frame (which my weird mother-in-law bought me for Christmas one year. I still haven't figured that one out.)
  • A bench with a couple of bars and a bunch of weight plates and also the leg thingy.
  • A punching bag (and my very own boxing gloves.)
  • A pair of those little push-up handles.
  • A speaker that hooks up to my iPod.
  • A huge TV for exercise DVDs.
  • Towels.
I don't like working out in front of strangers. I don't like exercise classes. I don't like group activities. I don't like using equipment covered in other people's sweat and schvitz. I don't like having to get in the car and drive somewhere to exercise. I don't like paying money for memberships. And I don't like it when the gym is closed when I want to work out, like on Christmas.

Sure, gyms have their place.

Mine just happens to be at my place.