Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dressing Up In Costume

"I knew I would grow up and wear a costume one day,
and that's exactly what happened.

-- Cassandra Peterson

Self portrait 11-2-14

"Every day each of us wakes up,
reaches into drawers and closets,
pulls out a costume for the day 
and proceeds to dress in a style
that can only be called preposterous."

-- Mary Smich

Abe, Charlie, Frank and Hermione 11-2-14
Last night was our neighborhood's trick or treat.

As we do every Halloween, we all dressed up in costumes to pass out candy to the little goblins and ghouls who traipsed around our cul de sac.

I was Charlie Chaplin. My husband was Abe Lincoln. Leo was a Frankenstein's monster. And Mackenna was Hermione Granger.

We didn't get many takers for our treats, but we looked good.

Ridiculous. But good.

Afterwards, Leo, Mackenna and I went to three different stores, in costume, to buy whipped cream and chocolate sauce for our post-Trick or Treat pancake supper.

We drew a few curious looks, but mostly I think people were super jealous that we three had the courage to be having that much fun while they were stuck being boring old regular people.

Actually, courage didn't have a damn thing to do with it.

Even though we were in costumes, we were really just being ourselves.

We just happened to have a good excuse.