Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Glimpse Of Spring

"Thaw with her gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer.
The one melts, the other breaks into pieces."

-- Henry David Thoreau

Melting icicle 2-13-14

"Ice contains no future, just the past, sealed away."

-- Haruki Murakami, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman

I ain't stoopid.

I know there's more Winter to come.

I've lived in Ohio and Michigan my entire life, so I know that Winter always has a second act. And most likely, a third.

I know better than to get my hopes up when there's a brief intermission -- a momentary thaw. 

But that doesn't mean I don't still enjoy it when the big round thermometer nailed to our fence, basking in afternoon the sunshine, reads a balmy 40 degrees. Or when the icicles that fringe the eaves of our house in severe, jagged spikes get all round-tipped and melty. 

A tiny glimpse of Spring, no matter how fleeting, is like a little peek at the coming attractions.

But I'm a jaded Midwesterner, so I don't get too excited.

I've learned not to let my guard down. Not just yet. Not this early. 

Now's the time where I brace myself for Winter's sucker punch.

Because I know damn well that intermission goes quick. Winter is simply off freshening her makeup, spritzing her throat and taking a piss. The lobby lights are already flickering. The place will soon grow dark again and that bitch will climb back on stage.

What a diva.