Monday, February 24, 2014

Shooting! Explosions! Crashes! Snacks!

"Don't you go to the movies?"
"Mostly just to eat popcorn in the dark."

-- Charles Bukowski, 
Betting on the Muse: Poems and Stories

Lego movie popcorn 2-24-14

"Theatrical is fantastic.
I don't think anything will ever replace the big dark room,
the screen and the popcorn."

-- Mel Gibson 

Going to the movies is like pizza.

Even when it's not that great, it's still pretty good.

We caught a late afternoon matinee yesterday. No, not The Lego Movie, although I have it on pretty good authority that it's darn entertaining. But I really hate going to movies where there are lots of children.

We opted for RoboCop. 

It was a popcorn movie, which by my definition means it's loud enough that you can crunch popcorn with abandon and rattle candy wrappers all you want without pissing off everyone else in the theater.

So yeah, it was loud. There was shooting. Explosions. Car crashes. A motorcycle chase sequence. The usual suspects.

The special effect of the RoboCop guy as just a torso and a head was weirdly fascinating and worth the price of a ticket all by itself.

Besides, it killed a couple of hours on a slow Sunday, and there were snacks.

Was it great? Meh.

Was it good?

Good enough.