Sunday, March 2, 2014

Coffee With Sam

"Black as the devil, 
hot as hell,
pure as an angel,
sweet as love."

-- Charles Maurice de Tallyrand 
(speaking of the perfect cup of coffee)

Self portrait with Sam at Starbucks 3-2-14
(aka "triple decaf espresso with a venti non-fat 4-pump caramel latte")

"Picking our go-to Starbucks drink has become a new American rite of passage,
and whether you're a grande hazelnut macchiato or an iced venti soy pumpkin spice latte,
your drink has become part of your personality, a product of dozens of cardboard cups'
worth of searching for the coffee you salivate for, Pavlov's dog-style,
whenever you smell fresh ground beans."

-- "What Does Your Starbucks Order Say About You?", Huffington Post

My son Sam buzzed home for a quick visit this weekend.

Whenever he does that, he likes to go grab a quick coffee together at Starbucks.

So I put on a pair of wraparound shades to hide my Quasimodo eye, and we went.

We talked. We drank coffee.

It was good.