Wednesday, August 6, 2014


"It's going tibia OK."

-- X-ray tech humor

Balsa wood skeleton 8-6-14

"My kid could get a bad X-ray, 
and I could get a call from the doctor
saying I have something growing in my bum
and that would change my perspective on everything instantaneously,
on what is and what is not important."

-- Tom Hanks

When you have active, rambunctious boys who climb up stuff, jump off stuff, and smash into other active, rambunctious boys, well, sometimes you need X-rays.

We needed one last night.

It's a good thing my husband has connections at the hospital and was able to call up an X-ray tech who worked us in on short notice and saved us a long wait in an over-crowded E.R.

Also good --

The the X-ray was negative, which mean's no bones are broken, which is a positive.