Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Jesus Mary & Joseph ... And Homer

"I do like Christmas on the whole ...
In its clumsy way, it does approach Peace and Goodwill.
But it is clumsier every year."

-- E.M. Forster

"A Christmas Story" leg lamp in a window 12-10-14

"The place changes: 
it's not the same as it is in daytime."

-- Haruki Murakami, After Dark

Inflatable Homer Simpson 12-10-14

"Christmas waves a magic wand
 over this world and behold,
everything is softer
and more beautiful."

-- Norman Vincent Peale

Christmas lights 12-10-14

I've been taking walks after dark in the evenings, checking out the neighborhood Christmas decorations.

Oy, veh.

The local Clark Griswolds are out in full force.

There are homages to movies, to television shows, to Disney, to Mr. Potato Head.

One house has an inflatable Noah's Ark with the two-by-two animals in matching Santa hats. Clearly they have their Bible stories a little criss-crossed. Or they're on an acid trip.

But hey. Whatever sells, right?

Light up Magi 12-10-14

Some displays are nice and tasteful, perfectly fine and understated.

There are a lot of light-up nativity scenes and plastic Jesuses.

There are lots of demonic Santa faces.

There's "the glow of electric sex gleaming in the window."


Light up snowman 12-10-14

Although I do think I like the super tacky stuff the best.

I mean, nothing quite says "Welcome Baby Jesus" like a light up snowman with a digital "O O HO HO" flashing across his groin.

Anyway, since you can't literally go on a walk with me, I thought I'd give you a virtual tour and share a little bit of what I've been seeing.

So last night, just for you, I took my camera on my walk and creeped around on people's lawns in the dark.

Hey, I'm a giver.

What would Jesus do?


Nativity figurines 12-10-14

Christmas lights 12-10-14