Friday, May 23, 2014

Maria's Thumbs

"If you're feeling out of kilter,
don't know what or where,
find the sore spot and work it out."

-- Eunice D. Ingham

My footprints, with thumbprints 5-23-14

If you are lucky enough to have a good massage therapist, then you have a good thing.

If you are lucky enough to have a good massage therapist who is also skilled at Reflexology foot massage, well, then I don't even have to tell you what a good thing you have, because you already know it full well.

Maria, my massage therapist is all of the above.

I struggle periodically with some chronic health problems that nobody seems to know what to do with. But Maria can take one look at my face, and then get to work on my feet, and the problem at hand. 

She did it yesterday. She didn't fix the problems, but she was able to temporarily relieve my pain so that I could catch my breath for at least a little while, and that was all I could ask for.

Reflexology is more than just foot massage. It's the art of applying very specific types of pressure to very specific points on the feet that correspond to different parts of the body. So by working her thumbs across my soles, toes, ankles, etc., Maria can trigger a healing response in my stomach, my eyes, my liver, my intestines, my lungs, my shoulders, my hips, my sinuses ... pretty much anyplace.

And I don't even have to tell her where it hurts. Her deft little thumbs are like super-sleuths that search my feet for clues and apprehend the little culprits that are causing all the trouble.

There are nay-sayers out there who pooh-pooh Reflexology as hocus-pocus, or pseudoscience, or a psychosomatic placebo. Frankly, I don't give a fuck what they think. Science has failed me time and time again with its pills and potions and practices, which quite often have unpleasant side-effects that leave me feeling even worse than before. In fact, Maria's had to get me over reactions to medications that were supposed to "help."

Pooh-pooh if you want.

But I'm a believer -- in Maria's thumbs.

They're 2 good things.