Saturday, November 29, 2014

Good Traction

"The slippery slope was everywhere."

--Paul Russell, The Coming Storm

Boots and a banana peel in the snow 11-29-14

"I like the crunch sound of snow under my boots.
Better than stepping on knuckles."

-- Jarod Kintz, 
Seriously delirious, but not at all serious

"Life is slippery.
We all need a loving hand to hold onto."

-- H. Jackson Brown Jr., Life's Little Instruction Book

It's slippery season, when sidewalks and roads are more like skating rinks, and when walking and driving can get awfully treacherous.

There's a saying that I abide by that goes like this: "Never skimp on anything that goes between you and the ground." That means always buy good footwear, good tires, good furniture, and good mattresses.

Your body will thank you.

I've been walking a lot lately, and with the snow and ice it can get pretty dicey. That's why I have several pairs of boots with nice deep treads to keep me from sliding off the sidewalks, and with supportive uppers to protect my ankles from twisting and turning.

I went for a walk after dark last night, and my boots definitely saved my ass a couple of times.

I like to ride my bike in the winter sometimes too. But that can be really dangerous. That's why at this time of year I ditch my road bike with its skinny little tires and jump aboard Leo's mountain bike, with its fat, nubby, grippy ones.

If you enjoy walking in a winter wonderland (the activity, not the song), please tread carefully and do what you can in order to stay on your feet.

If you drive or ride in it, take care.

Check your tires. Make sure you have a good pair of boots. Hold onto someone's hand.