Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Eating Sunflower Seeds Like A Ball Player

"Baseball and spittin' go hand in hand."

-- DavidSeeds.com

Sunflower hulls 9-16-14

"In the United States, they're mostly seen 
as an alternative to chewing tobacco 
for baseball players and other bored people 
with a penchant for spitting."

-- Mental Floss, 
"When Did Baseball Players Start Chewing Sunflower Seeds?"

When you watch a shit-ton of baseball, you also watch a shit-ton of dudes spitting. 

They spit a lot. 

They spit constantly. 

Spit. Spit. Spit. Spit. Spit.

Bubble gum spit. Tobacco spit. Regular spit. 

And they spit out lots and lots of sunflower seed hulls.

I have watched a shit-ton of baseball this season.

And maybe it's simply the power of suggestion, but I've been craving sunflower seeds. So I got some of the in-the-shell kind just like the teams have in the dugout. Then I taught myself to crack them open with my teeth, extract the seed with my tongue, and spit out the hull without losing the seed. Just like the big-leaguers do it.

Right now I can only do one at a time. The most I've done is three or four. I'm working my way up to holding a fistful inside my cheek, chipmunk-style, like the players do. 

I set my goals, I go for 'em.

I know it's not that sexy of a trick for a girl. It'd probably be much sexier if I could, say, tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue. 

But I'm not that girl.

I'm me. 

And sexy isn't really my thing.

Here is my thing, though.

I have a strong tendency to overdo it with snacks. I especially like to nibble on salty stuff while I am cooking supper, thus ruining my appetite for the real meal. And I am no stranger to the late-night chip binge.

But eating sunflower seeds in the shell slows me way down. I can't eat a bunch of these little guys all at once. Extracting each teensy weensy seed one at a time takes a while, which means I won't go overboard, even if I eat them through all nine innings.

Plus, sunflower seeds are a lot healthier than, say, pretzels or potato chips. They're packed with all kinds of vitamins and other good things.
