Wednesday, September 3, 2014


"Oh, snap!"

-- Tracy Morgan

Ginger Snaps 9-3-14

"Zuzu, my little gingersnap. How do you feel?"

-- "George Bailey," It's A Wonderful Life

I feel good.

Because I made gingersnaps.

Gingersnaps are spicy little cookies with snappy crisp outsides, and soft chewy centers.

Gingersnaps smell good.

Gingersnaps taste good.

Gingersnaps even sound good.

Go ahead. Say "gingersnap" out loud a few times and see what I mean.


Gingersnap. Gingersnap. Gingersnap.

Now doesn't that cheer you right the fuck up?

If you bake some gingersnaps, be careful not to make the same mistake I did and go all guppy and eat and eat and eat these tasty li'l motherfuckers until you feel like you're about to explode -- or wish you would.

Trust me. I'm speaking from recent experience here. If you overindulge, even on something as lovely as gingersnaps, you'll feel not good.

(Note: if there are gingersnap flakes floating around in your tank, you are overdoing it.)