Saturday, September 20, 2014

Going The Extra Miles

"I don't know what lies ahead, 
but I want to keep going forever."

-- Fuyumi Soryo

Bike tire, bottle and shoe 9-20-14

"A new challenge keeps the brain kicking and the heart ticking."

-- E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

"There are no traffic jams on the extra mile."

-- Zig Ziglar

There's a song I like that opens with the line "Drunk on a morning sky, it's the kind of day you want to wrap your arms around." 

Yesterday was that kind of day.

Ohio was shamelessly showing off just how gorgeous she can be.

The weather was perfect.

My legs felt good and strong.

The bike felt good and snappy.

I'd had an extra cup of coffee, so I had plenty of extra energy to burn.

So I pedaled and pedaled and pedaled some more.

And when I got to the end of my usual bike ride, I just kept pedaling. 

There was no compelling reason to stop, so I didn't.

I kept riding until I felt that good and useful kind of tired -- the purposeful, heady blend of exhaustion and euphoria that is the preferred drug of endurance athletes everywhere, that feeling that keeps us going extra mile after extra mile after extra mile, day after day after day. 

When my ride was done, I totally could have called it a day right then and there and been perfectly, completely happy.

I could have called it good.

Because it was.