Friday, October 24, 2014

Doing Someone A Favor

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."

-- Charles Dickens

Sidewalk chalk self portrait 10-24-14

"Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you.
Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is
no pay but the privilege of doing it.
Remember, you don't live in a world all of your own."

-- Albert Schweitzer

In the summer, my son Sam cuts our grass, and our neighbor Vera's.

When Sam's not available, my husband cuts it.

Occasionally, Leo chips in.

But Sam's away at college right now, and Leo's days are full of high school and football and homework. My husband has been under an extra-busy workload lately, and by the time he gets home in the evenings it's been too dark to mow because the sun keeps setting earlier and earlier.

That's where I come in.

Well, it's where I came in yesterday, anyway.

The grass was long. The day was beautiful. There was a need to meet, so I put on my old jeans, laced up my work boots and fired up the mower.

I cut our grass, and Vera's too. The front wheel drive "EZ Walk" mechanism on our big, heavy Craftsman push mower is fucked up, so it took me a good three and a half hours to get the work done, but I got it done.

The sun felt good on my face and arms.

The physical exertion felt good in my lungs and legs.

The mingled aromas of fresh-cut grass and autumn leaves and mower exhaust smelled good in the air.

The sense of accomplishment at a job well done felt satisfying as I looked over the straight, ordered, repetitive wheel-marks patterning the yards.

Mostly, it felt good to do a favor for someone I love a lot.

My husband spends a ton of time and energy making my life easier. I'm not a demanding wife, he's just a really great guy, as unselfish and generous as they come. He does nice things for me all the time.

So I was glad to be able to lighten his load a little. Pretty much all he had to do when he came home was eat a big warm bowl of homemade beef and noodles, watch Thursday Night Football in his recliner, and enjoy a glass of Scotch.