Monday, October 13, 2014


"The most remarkable thing about my mother is that
for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers.
The original meal has never been found."

-- Calvin Trillin

Leftover beef stew 10-13-14

"Laura liked it hot, and she liked it cold,
and it was always good as long as it lasted.
But it never really lasted nine days.
They ate it up before that."

-- Laura Ingalls Wilder,
Little House on the Prairie

"I'm the leftover turkey for 
the world's mayonnaisey."

-- Train, "All American Girl"

Thick, savory beef stew.

Hot, bubbly macaroni and cheese.

I made lots of both over the weekend, intentionally cooking up enough to provide plenty of delicious leftovers.

Then, while football and baseball were on, I didn't have to get up and cook. Sunday dinner was already made and I was free to sink into the sofa and watch football and baseball.

Now that's what I call comfort food.